About our tips
About our tips

Herb butter
Mix a teaspoon of the Herb Butter mixture with about 150 grams of butter and a pinch of salt. Enjoy an old Italian baguette that is easy to prepare and bake. Mix into a hydrated dough: 350ml of water, 7g of salt, 7g of fresh yeast and 360g of plain flour. Let it rise overnight in the fridge, in the morning turn it out onto coarse flour, divide it into four parts and spread them on a baguette tray. Bake for 10 minutes at 230 degrees, then bake for 15 minutes at 200 or until browned. We guarantee that every visitor will want the recipe and a link to where you got the herb butter.
Dad's tea
My father Josef is a great promoter of the so-called Home Doctor. He always has guaranteed advice for all ailments, diseases and pains, which you can get very easily. Just look around you, where something is blooming or growing. One of his favorite ingredients is onions. You can easily prepare his onion peel tea at home, and in addition to the fact that a whole onion protects the cardiovascular system and fights bad cholesterol, it also eliminates the risk of stroke or heart attack, helps slow down aging and is a neutralizer of free radicals. Another of the properties of onions is a natural antihistamine, blocking allergic reactions in the body. The aforementioned onion peel tea will help you overcome colds, flu and the common cold, or help you get rid of unpleasant itching of the skin, because its effects are antifungal.Prepare a decoction of the peels (dried and fresh) by boiling for 10 minutes, then strain, season with honey or coconut sugar, which has a low glycemic index and its energy will be released gradually.
Boil fresh onion tea with marjoram and let it steep for 10-15 minutes, then strain, season with sweetener and lemon according to your needs and drink again when you have a cold or virus.

Onion tea is easy to prepare from the Štěpán mixture.
French-style sourdough bread
Mix 20g of strong rye sourdough, 50g of rye bread flour and 50g of wheat bread flour with 100g of water. Let it ferment for 10 hours. Then knead with 330g of water, 150g of wheat bread flour, 350g of plain bread flour and 2 teaspoons of salt and cumin. Fold the dough 2-3 times during the rising process, after the dough has increased in volume, wrap it in a cloth and let it rise again for another hour. Bake in a hot baking dish (preferably cast iron) for 15 minutes at 250 degrees and finish baking at 220 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Avocado spread with sourdough bread
Mash the ripe avocado, squeeze in lemon, salt and pepper to taste. Mix in the cottage cheese with a small amount of mayonnaise and the uncrushed František mixture. If you like a fuller onion and garlic flavor, sprinkle in the dried Karel garlic and the hand-crushed Štěpán onion mixture. Let it stand for a while so that the mixtures absorb moisture and regain their full flavor. Serve with fresh bread and if you own our leaves, you can sprinkle with crushed carrot and beetroot leaves before serving. Enjoy!My friend Adriana from: https://www.sijemesrdcem.cz/ gave me a tip for the spread.

If you want to use the vegetables fresh, let them stand in water for a few minutes.
Bake a chicken or turkey leg, marinate it in František mixture for several hours, separate the meat and cook round-grain rice in the baking. When the rice is so-called to the bite, add crushed Mariana or Štěpánka (or both) and let it cook until the rice is just right for you. Sprinkle with hard cheese from Edam, Gouda to Parmesan according to taste. Serve with pickled cucumber or compote.
Mother Jitka's soup
The most popular vegetable soup in our country, for both me and my children, is the "grandmother's".You foam the crushed mixture of Terezia in butter (Terezia was my mother's grandmother), do not forget that the vegetables are dehydrated and do not need so much time in butter, or other fat. Choose it according to your taste and constitution, for vegetarians coconut butter is best, for gourmets peanut, corn or olive oil, but always remember that this base will slightly adjust the resulting taste. After lightly frying the vegetables, make a roux, again according to taste and needs. Classic plain flour for ordinary diners, buckwheat flour is suitable for celiacs, for example. Buckwheat itself has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Pour water, salt, sprinkle dried garlic Karel on the tip of a knife and add diced potatoes and crushed groats, the buckwheat version is again for those who can't eat gluten. Finally, stir in the egg. Enjoy!
P.S. During the period of illness, sprinkle the František mixture (my mother's father) into the soup, which contains onion and finely ground garlic. The soup will gain aroma and will also help fight viruses and bacteria.

Vepřová kýta ve směsi Jitka a olivovým olejem.
Farmer's bread
70g rye flour, 80g wheat bread flour, 10g fresh yeast, 350g plain flour, 2 teaspoons salt, caraway and 380g water. Knead into a slightly sticky dough and let rise. More experienced people can transfer it to a bowl and let it rise again, the impatient can heat a baking dish with a lid to 250 degrees after rising, then pour the dough, which you sprinkle with flour for better lifting. After 20 minutes, reduce to 230 and bake for another 20 minutes at 200. After cooling, treat yourself to any spread or chilled pork shoulder, seasoned with one of our mixtures.

Krůtí kýta naložená ve směsi Štěpán s hrubozrnnou solí a sypaná směsí Josef.
Bramborový placek (trochu jinak)
2-3 střední brambory nastrouhané na hrubo, směs Jitka nebo Josef, mořská sůl, dvě vejce. Osmažíte do křupava z obou stran, po otočení můžete přidat plátek kvalitního tvrdého sýru nebo jeho vegetariánské alternativy. V případě, že holdujete masu, přimíchejte kousky kuřecího nebo krůtího masa a pozvolna smažte. Placky dělejte menší, aby se nerozpadaly a stihly se dobře spojit. Výborný se zeleninovým salátem s naší Terezií. Dobrou chuť!